Thursday, December 7, 2006

My First Blog-thingy

Hi to anyone who might read this. I have never done a blog-thingy before so please bear with me. (I suppose I should learn the lingo as I highly doubt blog-thingy is an actual term) I think that Lura and Sonya will be the only readers so I figure that you guys will put up with my made up terms. Today has definately been one of those days. We woke up late, got Gabe out the door for the bus and I ran upstairs to get dressed when I heard a loud voice outside. The bus driver was on her speaker yelling "put down the snow! I said put down that snow and get on the bus!!" Guess who's kid she was yelling at??? We get the trio to daycare, a mile and a half down the road, and find that Luke had taken off his shoes and socks. Luckily we had several dirty, stiff, juice soaked ones jammed in the seat so I had replacements for the socks and we found the shoes under the seat. I had physical therapy and left the hospital with my arm taped from shoulder to wrist to try and reduce swelling. It was a bit embarrassing as I have about 1 1/2 inches of hair trailing from my armpits. Sean ran out of razors and took my last one for his face! Can you imagine what my legs look like? Maybe the woman thought I was French...I might wear a beret' next week...Also I couldn't find my deoderant so I had on Sean's powerful smelling Right Guard. Boy did I smell manly! I could go on about my day..but I have rambled long enough. I do want to say that Jonathan came home with a note from daycare today showing what an angel he can be. He told his teacher "Hi Miss Kristin, sweetheart, I am here!" Also, all three used the potty today. I am going to attempt to put in a picture of the trio, Gabe will come tomorrow. I hope to get the hang of this and learn not to write inane things soon!!!


Lura said...

I posted this for you. It was still saved as a draft. All you have to do is hit "publish" when you are done typing. Not sure what happened to your picture.

Amanda said...

thank you lura!!!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

Ha ha ha. You girls are a trip. I have been waiting everyday for a post. I think your account was hilarous. Write more, it makes my day.

kellerie said...

don't feel bad. you're farther along than i am. i haven't figured out how to post yet. of course, i mainly just wanted to be able to post comments anyways :)