Monday, December 18, 2006

it's a wonderful life? Yes, actually it is...

I am sitting in my room listening to the sounds of laughter, shrieking and heads banging into the wall coming from the triplets room. It is one and a half hours past their bedtime. I am frustrated beyond belief. Jonathan has a 101.3 temperature and after a dose of motrin has turned wild. The labels that read "will cause drowsiness" ahould read "will cause dorkiness!"

Gabe has had attitude problems today and I am exhausted from dealing with him and with the orny threesome. I applied for a part time morning job at Kohl's today, but not having worked for 9 years I don't know what the outcome will be. I figure that if it is God's will it will happen.

Sean and I did some last minute Christmas shopping this morning. I had fun at Old Navy and found that I can wear a Large! This is a big deal to me because there has usually been a 1 or a 2 or a 3 in front of the XL.

Anyone have suggestions on keeping kids in their car seats? I took the 4 out for 45 minutes tonight and Luke was out of his seat 4 times. I am worried that something is going to happen to him! He doesn't get how dangerous, not to mention illegal, that it is.

I don't know why this week is starting out so bad...maybe it is because we played hooky from church yesterday. I fond out some sad news this past weekend also. A good friend of my parents was just given 12-18 months to live. He had unexpected brain surgery to remove a huge tumor 3 weeks ago and it was found to be the most aggressive form of cancer. Please pray for him and his family if you think of it. I can't imagine what they are going through right now.

This is a hard Christmas. The 21st will be one year since Sean's sister, Angie, was taken off of life support. For those who don't know, she collapsed while shoveling snow last Dec. 15th and never recovered. It was a horrible shock. Sean is struggling with sadness and a little depression. It is the 3rd Christmas since my daddy died and it hasn't gotten easier. I miss him so much. Holiday's are the hardest.

I know this wasn't a very uplifting entry. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!


Lura said...

I agree with your title. Despite a lot of things, it is a wonderful life. I have found duck tape to be effective for the car seat problem. Also, heavy chains with padlocks.

SamandSawyersMom said...

Amanda, please do me a favor and do not take parenting advice from Lura. Her chains idea scares me a bit. I think your blog entry was fine and we like to hear anything about your life, good or bad. I am sorry to hear about the deaths in your family. I can't even imagine life without my parents. Hang in there and find a funny friend like yourself to talk to to lift you up, or yourself...that might be funny.

Amanda said...

I talk to myself frequently, but when I follow my own advice I get into trouble.
Lura - isn't it duct tape? Or is this a less harmful tape for ducks? hee hee.

Char said...

Hang in there Amanda! I'm sorry your week started off bad! I am sure it'll get better! :)
Car seat - tighten those straps as tight as you can without suffocating the kid! Bribe the kid to stay put if the straps can't tighten. haha! Otherwise I am not for sure what to tell you. You can threaten to not take him anywhere and then follow thru with it. Like have someone come stay with Luke while you and the other kids go and get an ice cream cone. Then come home and say to him "if you'd stay in your car seat you could have come too." I'm sure Lura would sit with Luke while you played this little game with him. hehe!! Evil Charity! :)

kellerie said...

i've got it! i will dress up like a policeman and drive alongside your car making siren sounds. then we can tell the kids we pulled you over because they wouldn't stay in your carseats and now mommy is in BIG trouble!
think they'll fall for it?