Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Anyone want to trade???

Ever have a day when you want to trade lives with someone? I am having a week like that! Jonathan has spent the last three days sick and is finally better, thank the Lord. He had a fever that climbed past 103 and endless throwing up of bile. I didn't sleep last night and he didn't much either. He didn't go to daycare for the past 2 days and I really need that time! I know it may sound selfish, but I am so run down and I am hosting Christmas Eve for over 30 people this year. My house is a complete disaster and everytime I get one thing done, 2 get undone! Yesterday I caught Caitlin standing in front of the open refrigerator drinking ranch dressing out of the bottle. Her breath was terrible for the rest of the night! Today Luke emptied my 20 oz. bottle of water all over the coffee table and the floor which ran everywhere, including under the couch and bookshelf. The triplets went upstairs and were in Gabe's room. When I went to get them out I found that they had emptied hisbank. They threw handfuls of coins at me when I walked into Gabe's room. That really hurts, I don't recommend it. This morning I spent 2 hours at the orthodontist with Gabe. He had xrays, impressions and pictures done. We find out the treatment schedule on January 23, the same day we find out if Caitlin will definately be having surgery on her eyes. Tomorrow I have physical therapy on my left arm which means that I will be cranky for the morning. Ugh... Things aren't all bad. I realize that I have really been a complainer. I am blessed with a wonderful husband and 4 kids who can be real "sweetie pies" when they want to be. Gabe made me a Christmas card at school today with the sweetest poem inside and a very sparkly tree. Tonight he surprised me with a glass of peppermint hot chocolate, using the hot chocolate mix he got at school today. The triplets met me after daycare with hugs, kisses and I missed you's. I have faith that the Lord will see me through all the frustrating things and that I will grow from them. They say He doesn't give us anything we cannot handle, but I wish God didn't think I could handle so much sometimes!!!!


SamandSawyersMom said...

Oh. You are so sweet. I can't even imagine how hard 3 children at the same age must be. I will pray for you. Just keep reminding yourself what it will be like when they all grow up and you have 3 adult men buying you christmas gifts....can you say DIAMONDS??? Your little girl will be your best friend and you can go shopping together. You will never have an empty nest...someone will always be home. I know it HAS to be hard but try and hang in there. God gave you these blessings because HE knows you can handle it...and He knew I couldn't...Thanks God. Amanda's your girl!!

Amanda said...

Thank you Sonya, I need to be reminded of those things sometimes. I bet you could handle had all those kiddos when you were a nanny!!! I admire you for that!!!!!

Crystal said...

I think you do a great job, I would have already been in a looney ben! LOL

Lura said...

Nope, don't want to trade. Ha ha. But I am only a phone call away!