Tuesday, December 11, 2007

For all of you who can't get enough....

Since we are all such fans of the head shots of me....here is another. Yay! This is one my niece Carmen and I took of ourselves. We have fun together. I am the favorite aunt....of course they only have one other and she lives in Alaska, but I like to pretend otherwise! I need a life.

I have all sorts of sickies here. Johnny and Luke were up throwing up all night and now Caitlin is feeling poorly. Gabe has a sore throat and doesn't feel well either. Tomorrow is the trio's Christmas program so I hope that they are better!!!!

Gabe brought home a 34/35 on his last spelling test. I was so proud of him. He has had a rough few weeks with spelling. Hopefully the extra studying will pay off this week too.

I have nothing overly exciting to tell you all. I have been home with the kids for the past two days and I know you don't care what is going on in Dragontales or Clifford's world! Maybe I will have an adventurous day tomorrow!


Cheryl said...

Well we love Dragon Tales and Clifford here too. I hope everyone feels better. It sucks when your baby is sick, I can't imagine 4 being sick. I feel for you all. Your niece is adorable! you'd be my favorite aunt I'm sure and I have TONS of them.


Char said...

Yeah Gabe!! That's great!
Sorry everyone is sick. I hope that they aren't sick for the program.
Carmen is very cute!!

Crystal said...

OH, your little niece is a cutie! Your eyes look so pretty in that picture!!! They really pop! GREAT JOB GABERS!!!!

Carrie said...

Way to go Gabe! Whoo hoo!

I hope everyone feels better soon.

Lura said...

I'm sorry I didn't call you back today. The power was only off for about an hour in case you're still worried about me. You guys look alike in the picture. It is the eyes. Yeah Gabe! So all that making fun of him we did worked huh? I'm kidding!!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

aw that is sweet. you are so gorgeous, it is sickening