Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Past Week...

A week ago today I ended up in the hospital. It was a scary bit of time.
I had had a constant headache for about a week and a half that also included dizziness, nausea, and blurred vision. I wasn't making a doctor's appointment for just a headache, so I kept up a constant regimin of motrin every 4-6 hours. Wednesday Sean and I did some errands and were in the van when my left arm went completely numb. I wasn't too freaked out because I had no chest pains at all. Then my tounge went numb, like someone had shot it with novacaine. I thought it would be a good idea to call the dr. for an appointment and they told me to go directly to the ER. On the drive there I lifted my left arm to brush the hair out of my eyes and found I couldn't make my hand work. I knew what I wanted it to do, but I couldn't do it. I had no control over it! Now that scared me!!
I got checked into the ER and they started tests immediately. I had a CAT scan and lab work but the scan was clear. Two dr's came in and several nurses and examined me again. They told me that it appeared I had a minor stroke but needed further testing so they were admitting me. First they wanted to put in an IV. Whooppe. I am not bothered by needles at all, so I don't mind - but my veins are deep, rolling, and impossible to find. I don't know how many times I was stuck, shoulders, hands, and arms until they called in a cardiac nurse to do an ultra sound guided iv. That went without a hitch. By this time I had a killer headache, but an anuerism (sp?) had been ruled out and I could barely see along with the numbness in my arm and tounge.
I had to share a room with a hard of hearing 90 year old woman who provided me with lots of entertainment. But at least I could keep my side dark and block my ears with pillows. That night my IV infiltrated which then it had to be pulled at 4 in the morning. I couldn't sleep so I just laid there with a cold cloth on my head to help the ache. The next day I had 2 MRI's of my brain, a cardiac ultrasound, and ultrasound on my caratoid arteries on either side of my neck, an EKG, and an EEG. It was not the best day. Then another cardiac nurse came in to put a midline IV in that ran from mid upper arm to my shoulder. It was quite a procedure and I thank God for Lydocaine!! I also had to meet with occupational therapists, physicl therapists, and speech therapists daily.
The test results showed no stroke, PRAISE THE LORD!!! The 4 neurologists and internist decided that I was having a complex migraine that had somehow triggered a type of parlysis in my left side. I have weakness in my arm and leg and am on a daily exercise schedule. Today I was finally able to focus enough to drive and get on the computer. I still feel foggy and have moments of dizziness, but nothing as bad as it was. Oh, I also had a sinus infection and inner ear infections.
I meet with the Neurologist next week to figure out a treatment course as they said it would most likely happen again. At least I will be prepared! Thanks for the prayers and support! Love you guys.


Carrie said...

Oh my gosh! I had no idea you went through all of this. How terribly scary. I am glad it all turned out to be nothing life threatening or a stroke, but I guess that can be as well. I am so glad you are ok.

I will pray for you and pray nothing that scary happens again.

Cheryl said...

Seriously girl!!! Now we know not to go 10 days or more with a headache without calling the doctor RIGHT? I am glad you are feeling better. I love you! Now follow the doctor's instruction!!!

Crystal said...

Wow Amanda, what a scary ordeal that must have been for you and for Sean. I have never had a migraine but I know people who get them and it seems to be the most miserable thing in the world. I am soo happy that they couldn't find anything seriously wrong....I love you and please please take care of YOU!!!!

Cheryl said...

this week has been over for so long, surely something else has happened in your life!