Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's me!!!!!

Hi guys... no long post, but just wanted to say hi and give you all a smile. Carrie's message got me to thinking about blogging again. I miss the closeness I felt with you girls so very much. I love you all and I think about you often, even though I am terrible at showing it. I have some big updates to share, so if I can't sleep later maybe I'll do a post. I am off to work on cleaning right now. yippee.
lots of love!!!


Cheryl said...

Wow, I like it! You look younger and happy!

victoria said...

Holy cleavage my friend!! Why can't that be the picture you send to anyone who wants a new one!?

Char said...

Glad you posted!!! It's nice to see you again! :)
Did Lura ever give you the gift I sent?

Lura said...

I can't believe Melodie called this post soggy! ;) I do need to get you your gift from Charity. I have it w/ other stuff to bring to you.

Carrie said...

Yay! So happy to see new post! You look very happy and beautiful:)

Amanda said...

lura did NOT give me anything. I think she sold it for crack.

haha haha..... I make myself laugh sometimes.