Monday, May 7, 2007


I went to the dr. this morning. He said that if I didn't have stress, didn't cry and yell, didn't get frustrated it would mean I didn't care. I liked that because now I can tell people I broke my hand because I care!
So Wednesday a.m. I get a cast put on. Caitlin has her surgery that morning also so I will be at the hospital all of Wednesday and Thursday with her. My Mom is keeping the boys Tuesday and Wednesday night.
I will post more later...I need to clean!


Crystal said...

You are human and we all do dumb stuff out of frustration time try to remember to drop to your knees in prayer instead, that's what I try to remember to do and it really helps! I will be praying for you and Caitlyn........I hope everything goes smoothly!!! Lots of love to you both!

Cheryl said...

Oh good luck. I hope you both feel better!!

Crystal said...

Just wanted you to know that you and your fam are in my prayers....I hope everything is going okay with you and Caitlin.