My niece, Scarlett, took this. I tried to post one of Sean but it wouldn't load. :(
Today, June 19th is the 4 year anniversary of my Dad's death. I was going to do a memory post, but decided against it, at least for today. I want to focus on happiness, not sadness. I will share a funny story though, then I will be smiley for the rest of my post. I guess this shows where I got my sense of humor.
One Easter Sunday we were pulling out of the driveway to go to Sunday school and my dad said "Look Girls! It's the Easter Bunny!!!" Well, Amy and I were just beyond excited and looked out the window only to see a bunny that had been hit by a car lying dead in the road by our driveway. Needless to say, my dad was in big trouble when we told our mom.
My dad woke us up one morning and said "Girls! Get up! No school today, we are going to Cedar Point!" Now we were excited. Not only were we getting to miss school, we were going to cedar point! This was huge! My parents are both school teachers, so this meant they were skipping too! We pulled on shorts and t-shirts and raced down to the kitchen. My parents were there and when we ran in yelled "April Fool's!" Oh, we were devastated. We were only in grade school so it didn't occur to us that C. P. wouldn't be open then. The most pathetic thing is that we fell for this several years in a row. It became a classic in our family.
For as much as my dad loved to play jokes on us, he loved to laugh at himself too. Sometime I will share the infamous St. Andrew's putter story, That one is definately a classic!
Today I had fun spending time with Gabe, Tanis and Kellie. Gabe was thrilled with having no triplets around for a change! We played with the pugs, showed amazing atheletic ability and coordination with Wii games and I got frustrated - and frustrated Kellie! with computer woes. I think Gabe would have stayed, and me too, to play longer if we could have. When I got home Sean and the kids were playing with the Hayley and Dakota from next door, in our backyard. Sean told me about Safetytown and Luke.
Today they rode big wheels and learned about bike safety. They also got to ride a bus and learn bus safety, but back to the bikes. Some of the big wheels look like police motorcycles so they had all the kids put on imaginary helmets for the ride. When they were done the officer told them to take off their helmets and get off the bikes. All of the kids did, except Luke. The officer walked over to him and said "Luke, take off your helmet and get off your bike." Luke said, "I can't. The strap is stuck!" He was referring to the strap on his imaginary helmet. Officer Ty said that Luke had the most serious look on his face and wouldn't get off until he was able to get the imaginary strap on the imaginary helmet unstuck! What a card!!!!
Tomorrow is safety town graduation. The trio is sorry to see it end. They have had the best time. I have enjoyed the time with just Gabe as well.
A friend of my mom's won a boy's bike in a raffle. She doesn't have kids, so she brought it over to my mom's for Gabe. He has a new (last year) bike so it is going to be kept at my mom's for Gabe to ride when he is there. I thought that was so neat. We are going to write a thank you tomorrow. My mom likes riding so she and Gabe are going to start taking bike rides.
I was excited to get my post card from Cheryl today! It was definately worth the 10 foot walk to the mailbox! It has a special spot on the refrigerator. Thanks Cheryl!
Sean got offered a 15 hour a week part time job today. He is taking it and will start Monday. So he will be gone from 6-3 and then 4:30-7:30. It means an extra $460 a month so that will be nice. I feel bad that he has 2 jobs and I have none, but he really wants me to focus on this class. I just wish there was something I could do to earn money. (Lura, I am not going to work in Fitchville!!!!!!!)
I am almost done with Sarah's cross stitch. I will post a picture when I am. Next I am finishing one for Lura and then I am going to start working on some dresses for Caitlin.
I guess I have rambled enough. Have a good night you guys!!!!