Friday, May 30, 2008
Sarah's Cross stitch - Maybe

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Since Crystal started all the talk of Peeps, here is my favorite Peep story...

Thursday Blursday....

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Five of my Darlings.....

Another Christmas Picture or 2....

To update you all on the bankrupcy stuff. We have finished all the legal work. The last of the papers have been filed, the tax returns turned over, the papers signed.... Now we just wait. The good news is that we probably still have several more months. As of last month the papers had not even been filed for foreclosure, so we don't need to be in any rush to pack or look for a new place to live. I am grateful for that, but I am not crazy about the waiting and the unknown. We also learned that they cannot take anything else from us, so we will get to keep our stimulus check. That will go into the bank for rent $. This is such a rough time, I still have tears, but thanks to God, family and friends we are pulling through.
Sean's mom has returned home after almost 5 months. She is doing amazing. She is moving around without the walker, doing some minor house work, getting dressed! I am proud of her for all of her accomplishments. She has been through a horrible time and is doing so well. It amazes me that only a few days after Christmas we were prepared for her death
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Christmas shot #1

Happy Tuesday!!!!

Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day To-Do List
1. Load and run dishwasher - unload when done DONE
2. At least 3 loads of laundry ALMOST DONE
3. Find Medco payment that is in envelope and ready to be mailed that I lost about 3 weeks ago and drop it at drive thru box NOPE
4. Get Dr. K's statements and insurance forms together and mail NYET
5. Fill out new prescription forms and mail NOT EVEN CLOSE
6. Sort through craft crap and put away YES!
7. Make something yummy to take to K and B's - if we are still invited! YES!
8. Visit Sean's parents DONE
9. Glue Sean's shoe UNFORTUNATELY NO
10. Sweep up all the sand in the living room DOING NEXT
11. Get cards together and ready to mail NO WAY JOSE
12. Bag and Tag recyclables HA!
13. Clean potty's upstairs and down UM...ME NO SPEAKY
14. Scrub Kitchen floor and spots on the wood floors DOES LOOKING AT THEM COUNT?
15. Take down Christmas Lights on front porch - I know, we are pathetic!!! But, there has been a bird trying to nest and I felt too bad to take them down. I think she gave up! UH-UH
16. start work in storage room NADDA
I think this is enough~ I will let you know if I did any of this. I feel motivated today.
Wish me luck!!!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
This picture is a few months old but I am tired of not being able to add my new ones!!!!

Something that makes me smile....
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
A thought...
I think along with the whole forgiveness aspect of things is also the need to be and know that I am forgiven for things I have done. I can fairly easily forgive, but I have a hard time accepting it. I know there are some of you that I have hurt by my actions and words, or inactions as the case may be. For that I am truly sorry.
I don't want this to be a fishing for compliments sounding post, or even a fishing for forgiveness one. This has been laying heavily on my heart and I wanted to write about it.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
A Better Day
I hope that you all have a great night!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Thanks for listening - actually reading. I hope that you all have a good day.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
It has been a long weekend. Johnny woke up sick this am. He has run a fever all day and can't keep motrin or tylenol down. Yesterday I went to a bridal shower for my friend Sarah. We have known each other since we were 8 months old and I am 3 days older than she is. Her wedding is July 5th and my goal is to lose weight before then. Ugh. It was a nice shower, about 20 people and it was more of a reunion of old teachers and such. Our parents are all teachers so they share a lot of the same friends. Sarah is working at Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville. She is in her last year of her fellowship in the research lab. She is a Pediatric Neuro-oncologist. Which basically means she is a doctor that is specializing in children's brain tumors. She is heading up the latest round of research with stem cells (taken from tumors). I love Sarah, but I felt pretty self concious of myself. She is so down to earth and would never make me feel bad about myself, but I think I made myself feel that way.
Anyways....after that I went to get the kids who were out at the farm and ran into an old friend Ty. It was so nice to see him. He is working for my brother in law, which for those of you who know him you would never guess that he would be doing that. He was quite tattooed and covered in cattle delousing powder, but I hugged him anyways. I figured who can't use a good delousing once in awhile. And, I must say I have not been itchy since....not that I was itchy before.....
I know this has been such an exciting post and I am sure that none of you want it to end, but it is 10:30 and I still have to do laundry before I head to bed.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
A "Gash-tly" Evening...
The triplet's and me
Playin' with the dog
Just actin silly
We started to walk
back up to the drive
when all of a sudden
Caitlin took a dive
Into the post
that holds Grandma's flag
what I saw next
made me really gag
The blood was pouring
out of her head
her shoes, pants and hair
were all turning red
I ran to the kitchen
got a wet towel
put it on her head
my how she howled
called up the doc
he said "Go to the ER"
I picked Caitlin up
tossed her in the car
Got to the hospital
waited half an hour
Caitlin was real messy
she needed a shower
We saw several people
"What happened?" they said
Can't you all see
she's got a gash on her head!
Finally the dr.
came into the room
put some numbing cream on
said we'll be back soon
Almost two hours later
he reappeared
did they think I beat her?
was what I feared
Now she's glued up
and doing real fine
I'm very proud
of that girl of mine
She was a trooper
got a popsicle and teddy bear
We have to wait another day
to wash the blood from her hair
She's in bed sleeping
Out like a light
I must say that
she gave me quite a fright.
The end
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
What a horrible song!!!!
I'm not really mad, Crys. :)
Today I decided to take Luke, Caitlin and Jonathan with me to Sandusky to buy the boys shoes and then stop at Pat Catan's. I made it clear in the car, or so I thought I had, that we were only buying the BOYS shoes. We went to Kohl's where when Luke got out of the car he said " Mom, why'd you make us wear jackets? It's warm. Why do they call it cold's?" He thought we were going someplace cold, not KOHL'S. Silly goose. Things went relatively well until Caitlin spied the princess shoes - then the screaming started. I found the boys shoes on the clearance rack and after using the remaining balance on my gift card I just had to pay $1.95 for two pairs of shoes originally $30.00 each! woo-hoo! I had to pretty much drag Cailtin up to the register who was sobbing at this point because she didn't get shoes. The clerk was very nice about it. Even when Caitlin informed her that "only the boys got shoes and she is a girl so she should get shoes everytime we go to a store!" I just apologized. On the way out Luke jumped into a wheelchair and Johnny raced to push him around. I explained that those are only for people who are hurt (easiest for them to understand) and Luke proceeded to bang his leg on the security thingy and then say to me "I need a wheelchair mom, did you see me get hurt?" He seemed really surprised when I didn't go for it. Because I didn't feel we had enough fun I went on to Pat Catan's. I needed to get a cross stitch kit to do for my friend Sara's wedding gift and I promised each of the kids a craft if they tried to be good. Caitlin found a foamies kit to make a cinderella crown and wand so she got that. I moved to take the boys to the boy themed ones and Jonathan immediately started SCREAMING "I want a GIRL craft!!!!!! I don't want to do a boy one, I want a girl craft!!!" I told him that he was a little boy and didn't need to make a princess craft. Boy oh Boy! He just continued to carry on. I found fire trucks and a pirate for the boys to make and got to the checkout where Luke had filled his arms with candy. I overheard a lady comment on not wanting his dental bill....I'm like, Lady - he just picked it up, I am not giving it to him! Geesh. I put it back, paid and got the heck out of there! Then I had to go back to town, take Caitlin and Johnny to my mom's, pick up Gabe and take him and Luke to the doctor's. They flushed poor Luke's ear to finally get the lodged tube out. He wasn't happy but I know has got to feel a lot better.
Well, speaking of Luke, he just wandered in crying. I need to go put him back to bed. Have a great night!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Happy Belated Mother's Day!
Luke just walked in and sat on my lap. I think it is time to take him back to bed.
Have a good night!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Uncle Bryan had a farm E-I-E-I-O
I hope you all have a great weekend. Happy Mother's Day my friends!!!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Do the extra double chins give it away that we took it ourselves?!

Happy Friday!
Tomorrow I am taking the kids and my 2 nieces, Carmen and Scarlett, out my brother in laws farm. They have pigs, goats, chickens, cows and a baby calf born 3 days ago! It should be fun and I will hopefully get some good pictures.
Caitlin and I went garage saleing this morning. I found the boys a fireman's hat (free) and a spiderman mask (like your power ranger one, Vic - 10 cents!) The boys were thrilled. I think it was weirdo day out though. I had to rummage through a table of kids clothes to help some lady find her cigarettes while she talked about her incarcerated husband with the drug problems and her 3 back surgeries. The best deals of the day turned out to be what my mom got Cailtin at Kohl's. They are the cutest outfits. I just didn't have good luck garaging it.
I am hoping that it warms up so I can take the kids to the reservoir this afternoon. They are itching to go and play there. The last time we went we were writing our name in the wet sand by the lake and skipping stones when I looked up to see Johnny standing, shoes and all in 5 inches of water. I am not sure what part of "Don't you dare go in the water!" he didn't understand.
Two of my nephews, Zach and T.J. just signed on with the National Guard. I think it will be good for them. My nephew Mike will be going to Afganistan (sp?) sometime in the next year - he is in the Army.
I have a really cute picture of some of them from Christmas that I would post if I could figure out how to find the file!!!! I am not the most computer savy - that's for sure!
All of you dieters have really motivated me. I figured last night I think I have gained between 15 and 20 lbs. since last December. I am a stress eater, unfortunately not a stress exerciser! Sean and I are really going to start working at it. I have a wedding to go to on July 5th that is an evening affair (7:30 pm I have never been to one that late!) and I want to look nice. I'd settle for presentable!
Are any of you following American Idol this year? I am rooting for David Cook. I think he is almost as hot as Alan Alda.
I need to go switch laundry. I will post later tonight - maybe with pictures!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
I am genius!!!! and humble
I don't even know where to start with all my news....maybe I will just pick up from here and fill you in on interesting past tidbits as they come to me. I think that sounds best. I can't wait to go back and read your blogs over the past few months!
Today Sean and I spent the morning at his sister's house where we went to visit his mom. After a scary several months she is doing amazing. She went out of the house to Kmart for the first time in over 6 months yesterday. Her leg is still gross, and the foot is black from dormant gangrene (I know, gross) but she is doing great and WALKING!!!! God answered those prayers and then some. Then I took the triplets and their cousin Sami back for an hour this afternoon. They had a ball.
We received another packet of paper in the mail from the lawyer's office today. I think it may be the last of it. Let's hope!
Sean and I have had a clutzy winter, but spring is really starting to look better for us! We are brace and sling free and enjoying everyminute of it.
The kids love going to the library, we try and get there twice a week at least. I handled it just fine when Caitlin held up the "Heather has two mommies" book and announced that this was the book she needed. They are reading so many words now and we are working very hard on this. Gabe is still in his rebellious stage and I have not yet learned how to do anything right. I know the morning is coming where he is going to wake up and like me! He is an awesome kid, I just wish I knew what to do for him.
Sean and I celebrated our 10th anniversary in March. for a two month courtshhip, whirlwind wedding and unplanned baby, we have done well. I don't think many people had faith our marriage would last 10 weeks let alone 10 years! I love that guy!
I will try and do a more interesting post in a while....I just wanted to say HI!