Thursday, May 31, 2007
Tearful Thursday
I've been crying off and on all day today. Some good tears (thanks Crys) and others not so good. I am determined to go to bed happy :) tonight.
My morning was nice. Sean and I went to Lowe's and got paint for the bathroom and some Miracle Grow - I'll let you know if it lives up to it's name. Then we went to Pat Catan's where I used my free book coupon to get my mom a knitting book. It had really cute kids sweaters and I made sure to point them out. After that we decided to go get ice cream at the Toft's factory. It was 10:30 in the morning after all. The guy who was working was really silly and felt sorry for me so he gave me 2 extra scoops for free. But all the while was telling Sean that he thinks he feels worse for him! What's that supposed to mean?! It was Caveman Ice cream which was excellent, but did cause the gorilla nipple. We laughed all morning, did silly song and dance numbers in the car together, and made each other giggle. I did an impressive rap music montage (sp?). Okay I thought it was impressive. Sean pretended not to know me.
Everything was fine until Sean left for work and the kid's came home. I feel terrible admitting that, but it's the truth. The trio's teacher told me what a good day they had and they listened so well. As soon as we got home they tore the dining room apart, got into the fridge and spilled things, etc. I just kept crying. NOT a good reaction on my part, but I couldn't stop. I hope this Supernanny pans out. I need the help!
Thanks for the prayers and support. I think you guys are all super! Have a good night and Cheryl - be careful and have an AWESOME time!
gee-my mood swings are really evident in this post! ha ha boo hoo
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
It is a down day for me. Father's Day is approaching, my parents anniversary, my dad's birthday and the day my dad died. So many memories pop up this time of year and sometimes it is really hard to deal with them. The zoo trip was bittersweet as my dad loved to take us every summer. I get so angry and so jealous. I have trouble at the stores with the Father's Day displays. I get real testy around my father in law... I just miss my dad.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Fun at the Zoo!

We had a fun at the zoo yesterday with my sister and her family. The kids loved the animals and we got lots of exercise. Look closely at the picture of the kangaroo and you can see the joey peeking out! When we rode the train they had to stop because some kangaroos and wallabys were sitting on the tracks! They were stubborn and took quite a bit of coaxing to move. We went to the Cleveland Zoo which is nothing but hills and the exhibits were very spread out. I like Toledo much better. We also got to see a momma koala with her baby and a chimp with hers. The animals, except for the bears, were in very show offy moods yesterday! I think Sean,the trio and I stayed about 3 1/2 hours and Amy, Scott, Gabe and the girls stayed another 1 1/2 hours.
Gabe and I have done nothing but argue today. I am so tired of it! Everything I say is wrong to him. And he is so full of attitude I could scream! I am trying to be patient and remember that he is at a difficult am I. 32 isn't easy!!! :)
My arms are doing okay. Due to the weight of the casts my left shoulder keeps dislocating. Ugh.
Tonight I am going to work on collage initials for the kids. I hope you all have a good night!
Love you Crystal!!!
I had a busy weekend and will post tonight...hopefully with pictures from our trip to the zoo. Have a good day everyone!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Potty Talk
Then I went to Lura's mom's to be a hinderance at their garage sale. I learned that I am a great bag holder! I was only able to stay about an hour, but traffic was pretty steady. Hopefully we made decent money.
I managed to do a bit of grocery shopping by myself. We were out of Diet was an emergency!!!
Things kind of went downhill after Sean left for work. Jonathan went to the bathroom (#2) and didn't tell me. He came up to me with brown fingers and said "Mommy it's #2" It was all over him, his legs and feet, the carpet... I scrubbed him as best as I could and then the carpet. As I am doing that Luke went upstairs, took off his underwear and tinkled into the basket of clean laundry that I worked so hard on yesterday. WHY????? When I asked him that he told me that he cleaned it up - with Daddy's underwear. At this point I called Lura and sobbed.
After we hung up and the kids were done in time out Luke went out to the kitchen, got an egg out of the fridge and smashed it on the counter and dishwasher.
I have 2 casts on and limited finger use - None on my left hand!!! Don't they understand it?
After I cleaned it up I got online and downloaded SuperNanny's application. I am seriously doing it girls. I don't think there are any options left.
Now they are all sleepingf and I am watching Law & Order.
Have a good night!!!!
Love and hugs to you all.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
You guys are the greatest!
This is not a situation I would ever choose to be in, but it is one God felt I could handle so I am going to make the best of it and learn something of somethings new from it.
You'll all be pleased to know that I asked my mother-in-law if she could make a few freezer meals for me. I can turn on the oven and microwave. I asked for help...that should get me a sticker!
I have done 3 loads of laundry today and got 3 more boxes of garage sale stuff ready for Lura's tomorrow. I am going to go and be either a help or hinderance. (I told Lura she could choose which she wanted me to be!)
I was eating a sandwich for lunch and I think a sesame seed fell down my right cast. I giggled when I pictured the dr. cutting off the cast and a plant popping out. It's warm and moist in there. Perfect growing conditions!
Sean is going to have quite a bruise on his arm. I slug-bugged him and forgot about my cast!
It's not all bad!! ha ha
I can't bathe my kids, I hurt them when I hug them, I can't cook them dinner - right now I can't spread pb & j on the bread, I can't color with them, going to the bathroom involves a great deal of flexibility and Sean has had to pull up my pants for me. It is so incredibly aggravating.
I am tired of people asking me what happened. I have been called dumb and an idiot. Three people have basically accused Sean of beating me. It is very humbling. I don't know how my left wrist was hurt. All I know is lifting the basket snapped it. It hurts a lot! Both hands, arms and wrists throb non stop.
I could just scream.
I need to look at the positives and remind myself of the good things. I can still snuggle, I can kiss and praise my kids - and husband. I can read books, kick a ball, walk with them. Gabe is thrilled to write his name on another cast, so are my nieces! I can still fold laundry - it just takes a bit longer. It's not all bad. I need to stop feeling so sorry for myself.
Thanks for listening. I needed to whine a bit.
I am going to learn a big lesson from this.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Who would believe...
Turns out I did break my wrist. It is fractured through the joint. uGH!
The good news is that I did not cause this due to my tantrum, they aren't sure why it broke and in such a weird spot.
I m not out of the woods for surgery - we'll see when the cast comes off. I have 2 weeks in the right one and 4 in the left.
So expect short posts...
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Looking for ideas...
I always stress out majorly when it comes to eating times at our house. There are always messes, spills, eating w/o utensils... I don't enjoy it and I'm sure the kids aren't either. Does anyone have suggestions as to ways I can make dinner time fun and something we look forward to?
Monday, May 21, 2007
A Quickie...
I am unable to type well so this will be short. I went and got xrays today. My hand was throbbing quite bad so I couldn't put it off. The dr. came in and said that she found something disturbing on the xray, but it wasn't on the side that was hurting really bad so she was wrapping my hand/wrist and wanted me to follow up w/ my dr. The radiologist will read the xrays tomorrow a.m. so I don't know when I'll know what is so disturbing! The good news is that my left hand is not broken it is internally bruised.
I had to laugh when the dr. said to keep my hands iced and elevated for the next few days! How?!
Other than that things are going well. I laughed harder than I have in a long time this past weekend and it felt so good! Thank you Sean and Lura-Honey!!!!
When I can type better I'll post more!
Love you guys!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Why do I bother?
Have a peaceful night my friends!
Another Day
This morning after Gabe got on the bus I took the kids to B.King to meet my mom for breakfast. As we were sitting there, I looked over at Johnny and saw red spots all over his eyelids, forehead and nose. Oh no. The daycare refused to take him despite all my tempting bribes and we ended up at the dr.s office instead. Mind you I was there just yesterday with Gabe and Caitlin and I eacch had appt.s earlier this week too! Turns out he has Hand, Foot and Mouth. Oh - while we were in the exam room waiting to see Dr. T, he broke out on his hand! So now Jonathan is home with me at least until next week. The rash has to be completely cleared up before he can go back. It is highly contagious in kids so I will most likely have 2 or 3 others with it!!
I am still putting off x rays on my other hand. We think my left wrist may be fractured also and there is a bruise creeping up my thumb and it hurts like heck. This was the result of a laundry accident. I figure if the pain gets bad enough I'll go. F.Y.I. - even if your arm is in a cast it doesn't protect it from pain when you shut it in a car door. I found that out this morning.
Sean got his midterm grades back. He had a B+ on his English and a B in Sociology. It just stinks that he has to quit. He just left to turn in a resume for a job that would pay twice as much. PLEASE PRAY!!!!!
Jonathan just got super quiet, I need to go and see why. Yesterday it was because he emptied the vacuum canister on the carpet. Thankfully I had dumped out the glass already...this was still baby powder.
Have a good day!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
It Was So Much Easier Then...

Way Back Wednesday

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Fun with Tanis

The kids had a ball playing together and this was the day Kellie and I showed our amazing athletic abilities with a netless badminton game. I know the neighbors were jealous of our talent!
Yesterday there was an article in the paper about a mom who has 2 year old twins and an older child. It was entitled "Mrs. Brown's Bad Day." I read it and all I could think was I would love to have a day like that. If that's bad...she is lucky! But everyone is different and what is bad to me may not seem like it's that bad to others.
Last night the triplets disappeared upstairs and I found them in the bathroom brushing their teeth. (Oh shoot, I just realized that Gabe brushed his with his electric Spongebob toothbrush. That would be the same one that I caught Luke scrubbing the stairwell walls with! I didn't have a chance to clean it!!! At least it is the wall I repainted not to long ago so its no longer the green flat paint that would have come off and given Gabe green teeth!) Anyways, they had each put their own toothpaste on. Jonathan looked rabid with a ton of pink foam on his face. I am assuming they didn't injest too much as the tube was still fairy full. So after I cleaned them up and got the toothbrushes put away I sent them back downstairs. I caught Gabe kicking Luke in the bottom to push him down the steps! I immediately sent him to his room. It scared me half to death! Well Gabe appeared a bit later carrying a large piece of cardboard from the recycling box. He had written "I only tapped him" and drew a picture of Gabe "tapping" Luke with his shoe on the bottom and then an arrow pointing down the stairs with Luke laying at the bottom. He meant well.
I gave the triplets roast beef sandwiches last night and we piciniced on the living room floor. I looked over to find that Luke had shredded his beef all over himself and the floor! He was a mess! Does anyone have any suggestions for better eating habits? Caitlin and Jonathan crumbled a rice krispy treat into a bowl of maccaroni and ate that instead of their sandwiches.
I have a question regarding kids hygeine. Last night Gabe was lying in the floor and said "Can you give me soom of Dad's cologne?" When I asked why he said it ws because his armpits smell. I asked if it was a sweaty smell, he sniffed them and said "No, they smell like garbage." He showers everyday, or bathes, sometimes 2 times. Isn't it too young for him to be getting smelly armpits? He's only 8 and I thought that was a puberty issue. I had him wear Old Spice deoderant to school today, it made him happy. Is this the onset of puberty or is it me being weird?
Okay, I have to go take the kids to Caitlin's follow up appt. Yippee!
Have a good day.
Monday, May 14, 2007
One Big Mess!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2007
Isaiah's Dedication

Friday, May 11, 2007
Barney nails and Smurf arm...

Why I am not a bank robber and other obvious things...

Update on Isaiah
Isaiah's Crummy Night
Please say prayers for cutie-pie Zay-Zay and his family.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Hi Ya!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Humpty Dumpty, Tonsils and more...

Here is the pic. of Gabe as Humpty Dumpty. I couldn't find the standing up one. He really loved this costume. Unfortunately he had chocolate milk at school and spilled it down the front of him so it was ruined.
Caitlin has to be at the hospital at 7 in the am. She is scheduled for surgery at 9 and we will be spending the night there. We bought her a care bear puzzle and disney princess color wonder marker set, so she should be entertained for awhile. I am nervous, but know that God will keep her safe. I just hate the whole general anesthesia thing.
I get my cast put on at 7 tomorrow also. A reminder of my stupidity. I think I will get blue.
The boys are leaving for my mom's for the next 3 days. After the afternoon we have had I am ready to ship them off! I have got to mop my floors and wash the furniture. We had another baby powder disaster. I thought putting it on the fridge out of sight was a good enough idea. Johnny climbed up and found it and shot it all over the dining room....again. I have pitched the powder.
I hope to try and paint my toenails purple tonight. I think the color will cheer me up. Thank you Crystal!!!!!
I won't be blogging again until after we get home from the hospital, so everyone have a super week.
Monday, May 7, 2007
So Wednesday a.m. I get a cast put on. Caitlin has her surgery that morning also so I will be at the hospital all of Wednesday and Thursday with her. My Mom is keeping the boys Tuesday and Wednesday night.
I will post more later...I need to clean!
Saturday, May 5, 2007
I am paying for my stupidity. I am embarrassed and I am in PAIN!!!
I go to the dr. Monday morning and I will have an update then.
Friday, May 4, 2007
my big blunder
Today i was an idiot and ended up with a fractured right hand. i am in a splint and bandage and go to the doc on monday. don't feel too sorry for me girls....i was really dumb!
i'll post more later.
love to you all....
Such a proud Aunt am I !!!!

Flashback Friday
Thursday, May 3, 2007
What a Traumatic Night!
I am going to go and try and get the kids settled for bed. Wish me luck.